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The issue: Last month, the Wyoming Business Council approved a 13 million loan and grant deal to bring an arms accessory maker to Cheyenne.We believe: That was the right move by the council. The council also was right to ignore the carping from some state legislators.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .The Wyoming Business Council did exactly the right thing on Jan. 23. It ignored the static raised by several lawmakers and approved a 13 million loan and grant package aimed at bringing a firearms accessory maker to Cheyenne. The Wyoming State Loan and Investment Board backed it up Thursday by approving the grant.The week before Jan. 23, some lawmakers had tried to scuttle the deal during a meeting of the Joint Appropriations Committee here. Among other things, members questioned why money was being spent on a building that will revert to Cheyenne LEADS,he said., the local economic development arm,cheap uggs, for reuse after the company,his wife, Magpul, moves into a permanent facility.But finances weren t really the reason for the criticism. Rather,ray ban sunglasses outlet,Diamondbacks 0, the lawmakers were playing their usual political games,in Riyadh, pitting one region of the state against another. For example,Tropfest,cheap uggs australia, Sen. Eli Bebout, R-Riverton, said he was worried about the fact that economic development money is concentrated in certain parts of the state.Well, it is easy to answer the senator s question at least in terms of the Capital City. Cheyenne offers several things,, including a prime transportation location, available land and a population base.More importantly, this community has primed itself for development. It has raised private funds to build business parks. Its people have taxed themselves to pay for the amenities and training facilities that attract companies. And it has developed a mindset that welcomes progress rather than fearing it.But the lawmakers questions also displayed a couple of troubling trends.The first is the Legislature s continued move toward micromanagement. In recent sessions,, it has told the University of Wyoming what kinds of art it can display and directed state agencies how to spend money. It seems to act as if it knows better than the people who are paid to make decisions based not on politics,ray ban outlet, but on their expertise.The people at the Business Council do their homework in advance when deciding to recommend such projects. They should be allowed to make them without politicians dabbling in their affairs.True,michael kors factory outlet,AmeriCorps Environmental Educator, some could argue that the WTE has encouraged this trend by urging legislative action on education. But in that case, lawmakers are dealing with a clearly broken system. The same cannot be said of these other projects.Similarly, it seems the mantra of regional jealousy is being chanted more and more. It most often is directed at Cheyenne, which supposedly gets more than its fair share. An example: The decision by Gov. Matt Mead to not fund a project at Laramie County Community College so he could spread money around. It mattered not to him that the project was rated as the most necessary in the state by the Community College Commission.Yes, we know it is an election year. And politicians always will be tempted to pander to their voters by taking care of one region of the state over another.But the job of government is to use its money efficiently. Let the experts do their work,cheap toms, regardless of where the projects land. And may legislators do their job of making laws and providing funding and then getting out of the way.